Some Cadence notes for UNCC

New Cadence install instructions for Linux, tpw 7/28/09:

See note below if you used cadence before.

New users instructions:

  • on a linux terminal,
    to install cadence NCSU librabries, run the following command line in a terminal window: /opt/coe/cds2008/ic5/cdk/ncsu13/local/cdssetup/cdsSetupLinux
    to run cadence, enter the following commands:
        cd ~/cadence/NCSU
        source cadence_startup 
  • Note for previous users of Cadence:
    if you were a previous user of cadence on Solaris, you will have to first copy your old cadence/NCSU directory to your linux home directory, then move your old startup files to a safe place (.cdsenv .cdsinit .cdsdoc cds.lib .cdsplotinit cadence_startup). Then run the script above. then, open the new cds.lib file and copy any needed define statements from your old cds.lib file, making proper changes to adjust for the new linux location directory.

    new stuff 4/25/07 tpw see also

  • Starting Cadence

  • cd ~tpweldon/cadence/NCSU
  • source ./cadence_startup
  • icfb &
  • When it runs, you should get the following Library Manager window and icfb text windows.
  • Library Manager window

    icfb text window

  • To create a library:

  • Create a new blank directory/library from the main LibraryManager window: MenuBar-->File-->New-->Library
    and in the pop-up window:
  • name: junkxx
  • Path /afs/
  • Attach to existing library-->TSMC018deep
  • IO pad perimeter
  • you should see % ls L* cdsinfo.tag prop.xx in the new library directory.

    then copy stuff there not clobbering the above 2 files.

    options displat levels 0 to 32

    Verify Extract/setswitch extract/keeplabel

    File New CellViewTool Composer

    SDL from composer: Tools:LayoutXL

  • To import/check cif files:

  • Create a new blank directory/library from the main LibraryManager window: MenuBar-->File-->New-->Library
    and in the pop-up window:
  • name: junkxx
  • Path /afs/
  • Attach to existing library-->TSMC018deep
  • IO pad perimeter
  • From the icfb text window,
    run MenuBar-->File-->Import-->CIF
    In pop-up window:
  • /afs/
  • /afs/
  • TOPCELL_18Sep04_Final_PFWCAPS
  • junk4
  • 0.01000000 micron
  • To add AMI 0.5 micron pads to cadence:

  • Download the following homemade cadence library pad_only_frame_ami06.tar into your NCSU directory (this has 40 pads with only a few DRC errors)
    Copy the PadNCnew and Pad_only_Frame cells into the library containing your top layout. This is extremely important, so that your design is ENTIRELY SELF-CONTAINED and contains no references to any external librabries, including the padframe library. Once you have copied the padframe into your design, use those copies when you add a padframe to you design. Otherwise, your design may not be portable for viewing by other persons not having the referenced padframe installed.
  • Download the following homemade cadence library payam_pad3_ami06.tar into your NCSU directory (this has several different types of pads that you will need to find/replace to arrange as desired.. and has many DRC errors)
  • In a terminal window, inside the NCSU directory, extract the tar archive "tar -xvf payam_pad3_ami06.tar"
  • Type "pwd" to see the name of the directory you are in
  • Type "nedit cds.lib" to edit the libraries visible in cadence, and add the following lines to the file (edited appropriately for the full pathname of your directory). Only add the lines below if they are missing. Note that your web-browser may wrap the DEFINE statements below, however each DEFINE statement should be on a single line in your cds.lib file. DEFINE NCSU_TechLib_ami06 /afs/

    DEFINE payam_pad3_ami06 /afs/

    Run ICFB (as described above)
    Right-click the payam_pad3_ami06 library, and attach the ami06 technology file to the library
  • To export cif ??:

    ICFB window
    run directory = .
    library name = whatever dummy library name you created for ami06
    top cell name = Min_Frame
    view name : Default=;`layout
    out put= CIF DB
    output file : frame40.cif
    see below cifexport picture
  • To create padframe from MOSIS cif file:

    find MOSIS cif padframe at
    create a new library in cadence library manager for padframe
    create an empty dummy cell layout
    then use ICFB window
    FILE>import> CIF ICFB window
    see below cif import picture

    Other Tips and notes:
  • Subcircuits and symbols can be created. First, add ports to your schematic using the InsertPorts button (looks like a hexagon). Then use view->Create/EditSchematicSymbol from the menu bar to create a symbol. To use the symbol in a schematic, ust the menu-bar DisplayComponentLibrary (looks like a bookshelf), navigate to the directory (usually under your project name under sub-networks), highlite the component, and when you move the mouse to the schematic window, the new symbol should appear.
  • To export ADS files to cadence in iff format, from ADS run File-Export and export as type iff, and check that the options show overwrite iff, and all 3 checkboxes are unchecked, default library name should be the exact same name as your ADS project directory, schematicHeriarchy includes currrent design, projects, and all libraries. After exporting the iff file, it should be somewhere in your ADS directory tree. Copy this file to your cadence/ncsu directory.

    Before running cadence icfb to import the iff file, you must first have this at/near bottom of your .cdsinit file:

    Then, you should see the IFF->importIff option in the icfb menu-bar (in the icfb text-window not the icfb file window). Click the IFF menu bar button, select the iff file to be imported. Check/activate the three "do not" buttons, and click OK to convert. In the pop-up, attach to existing techfile, attach to the proper library (ami06).

    If all goes well, you should be able to open the schematics in Cadence. Manually open schematics and remove the yellow parameter boxes, if you wish. Also remove power supplies and any ADS-specifice items such as variables, harmonic balance boxes, transistor models, power supplies, etc.

  • Copyright information