ECGR4124 Project 6, Circular Convolution and FFT

Form the same groups of 3 as before.  Members of any group must be all graduate or all undergrad.

Do NOT use "zoom" feature on any plots unless specifically requested.
Preliminary tasks
       // inData1.writeraw("f1.txt");
       // inData2.writeraw("f2.txt");
       // dispData.writeraw("disp.txt");


  • Implement convolution using the FFT and steps (a)-(c) on page 660.
    Implement this as the F2 button.
    This is a circular convolution.
  • Circular convolve with, plot the results ( P1 ).
    Compare the results here with the results using a linear convolution from the previous project.
      Notice the difference at the beginning of the waveform.
  • Circular convolve with, and plot it ( P2 ).
    Consider why the results different from linear convolution earlier.  Especially consider what happens when the linear convolution first begins filtring the signal.
  • Implement a 2000 Hz positive frequency shift using Eq. 6 in Table 8.2. (time domain is easiest)   Hint: dont forget to convert from Hz to rad/sample.
    Implement this as the F3 button.
    Use this new function to shift
    Take 20log10|FFT| of the result.
    Plot the resulting frequency spectrum ( P3 ).
  • Implement a backward difference (Eq. 2.77).
  • Implement as the F4 button.
    Apply this to, then plot 20log10|FFT| ( P4 ).
    Compare this result to the predicted result.
    ( Q1 ) What is the theoretical dc response |H(w)| for the backward difference system?
    ( Q2 ) What is the theoretical response |H(w)| at frequency w=pi rad/sample for the backward difference system?
    ( Q3 ) What is the theoretical response |H(w)| in dB at frequency w=pi rad/sample for the backward difference system?
    Apply the backward difference to, then plot 20log10|FFT| ( P5 ).
    Notice the inrease in high-frequency noise spectrum relative to the low frequencies  comparing P5 with the original spectrum.


    Use the Project Report Template  (also shown as pdf file)

    Include the plot numbers P1, P2, etc in captions, along with a short description!
    Write a cover sheet + 1 page executive summary ONLY!!!  Describe any unresolved issues.
    Place answers to all questions on one or more consequitive sheets of paper at the front of the report!
    Do NOT scatter the question answer sheets throughout the report, keep them together
    Do NOT use "zoom" feature on any plots unless specifically requested.
    Make sure that you include question numbers and plot numbers on all sheets!
    I will only look on the question answer-sheets for any discussion.
    All extraneous material WILL BE IGNORED!
    Do not write any discussion, except directly on the question answer-sheets or 1 page summary.
    Do not add extraneous pages.
    Do not put explanations on plots unless specifically directed to do so.
    Include any problems or unresolved issues in the summary.
    Copyright 2009 T.P. Weldon