Analog and Digital Communications 


Bluetooth 5


The topic of this Mini-Paper is the Bluetooth 5 standard .

A useful starting point is the paper "Bluetooth 5: A Concrete Step Forward toward the IoT"


The required of items to be included in this mini-paper are:
  1. Table with 2 columns: the parameter, and the parameter value (you must cite your reference for this in your paper)
  2. Show the formula for "maximum communication range r" in the paper On the suitability of Bluetooth 5 for the Internet of Things... 
  3. Plot of a Bluetooth (any version of bluetooth is OK)  transmitter ("Tx") signal output power spectrum including spectral mask (see A Fully Integrated Bluetooth Low-Energy Transmitter in 28 nm CMOS With 36% System Efficiency at 3 dBm )

NOTE ReportTemplate: Use the Project Report Template 


Copyright  2018 T. Weldon

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