EEGR2111 L7

Circuit Analysis using equivalent resistances
  • Use equivalent resistances to analyze the following circuit:

  • Find i1, i2, VR1, VR2
  • To find i1, note that the 4, 8, and 8 Ohm resistors are in parallel with Req1 = 2
    Then this 2 ohms is in series with the 1 ohm resistor resulting in an equivalent series resistance Req2 = 3
    Finally, Ohms law yields i1 = 6 / 3 = 2 Amp
  • Then, VR1 = 2 Volt
  • And, VR2 = (2 Amp) Req1 = 4 Volt
  • The two 8 ohm resistors in parallel have an equivalent resistance of 4 ohms
    So the current divides equally between the pair of 8 ohm resistors and the 4 ohm resistor,
    So i2 = 1 Amp
  • Example L7-1:
  • Earlier, we saw how a dependend source modeled a BJT and could generate voltage gain
  • What is the equivalent circuit of the following?

  • Above: V1 = i / k
    So by comparison with Ohms law v = i / R, the above is equivalent to a (1/k) ohm resistor
  • Example L7-2:
  • Below is a model of a 2N2222 BJT amplifier circuit with external biasing resistorsR1 and R2, and load resistor RL:

  • Find the current gain io / ii when:
    R1 = R2 = RL = 1000, R\pi = 2000 and gm = 0.05
  • First, two bias resistors and R\pi are in parallel with equivalent resistance:
    Req = 1 / { (1/1000) + (1/1000) + (1/2000) } = 400
    so Vbe = Req ii
    then io = gm Vbe = gm Req ii
    io / ii = gm Req
    = (0.05) 400 = 20
  • Would increasing Req increase current gain?
  • What would be the maximum current gain?
  • What is the power gain?
  • Equivalent resistance
  • Generally: we may replace any circuit portion comprised of resistors with a single equivalent resistor:

  • What is Req?
  • Redraw the circuit
  • Note:
  • When dependent sources are present, be careful to account for the controlling voltage or current when replacing resistors with their equivalents.

  • Chapter 4

    Circuit analysis
  • In previous chapter we focused on circuits with one loop or two nodes (or used equivalent resistance transformations to simplify the circuit)
  • Now we introduce two new methods
  • Nodal analysis: any number of nodes
  • Mesh analysis: any number of (planar) meshes
    - applies only to planar circuits
  • Nodal analysis
  • Given circuit with N nodes, and N KCL equations
    N - 1 KCl equations are required
    (recall 2-node example where we showed second KCL to be redundant)
  • The remaining node is called the "reference node"
    (often this node is "ground" or zero volts)


  • Label nodes a, b, c, ... or 1, 2, 3 ...
  • Generally let the ground node be node 0, the reference (but any node may be chosen)
  • Then, the node voltages are the voltage between the nodes and the reference node, i.e.:
    V1 = V10 = V1 - V0 = V1 - 0
    (Note that in this notation:
    V12 =V1 - V2 = V10 - V20 = V1 - 0 - { V2 - 0 } )
  • Apply KCL to all N - 1 nodes (not the reference node)
  • Solve the resulting set of N - 1 simultaneous equations
  • Example L7-1:
  • Find the nodal equations for the following circuit

  • 4 nodes -> so need 3 equations
  • First, number the nodes (reference = 0)
  • Then, find nodal equations at each node using KCL
  • Node 1:
    i1 + (V2 - V1) / R1 =0
    3 + V2 - V1 = 0
  • Node 2:
    (V1 - V2) / R1 + (0 - V2) / R2 + (V3 - V2) / R3 =0
    V1 (1/R1) + V2 ( - 1/R1 - 1/R2 - 1/R3) + V3 (1/R3) =0
  • Node 3:
    (V2 - V3) / R3 +(0 - V3) / R4
  • So, 3 equations are:
    - V1 + V2 + (0) V3 = -3
    V1 + (-11/8) V2 + (1/8) V3 = 0
    (0) V1 + (1/8) V2 + (-1/4) V3 = 0
  • In matrix form:
          | -1    1      0   |   |V1|      | -3 |
          |  1  -11/8   1/8  |   |V2|  =   |  0 |
          |  0    1/8   -1/4 |   |V3|      |  0 |
  • Note: if we do current LEAVING node for KCL we get:
          |  1    -1     0   |   |V1|      |  3 |
          | -1   11/8   -1/8 |   |V2|  =   |  0 |
          |  0    1/8    1/4 |   |V3|      |  0 |
  • Solve using Cramer's rule:
                  | -3    1      0   |   
             det  |  0  -11/8   1/8  |   
                  |  0    1/8   -1/4 |         -63 / 64    63
     V1 =       -------------------------  =   -------- =  --- = 12.6
                  | -1    1      0   |          -5 / 64     5
             det  |  1  -11/8   1/8  |   
                  |  0    1/8   -1/4 |   
  • Similarly for V2, V3

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